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Personal Goals for BAW07
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last edited
by PBworks 17 years, 7 months ago
Personal goals for BaW-07
Here is a space where BaW07 participants may add their personal goals for this course (if you wish) and revisit as goals change or are achieved:
- Personal goals for BaW-07
- Penny Lundquist
- Nina Liakos (Maryland, USA)
- Daf (Caracas, Venezuela)
- Teresa (Lisbon, Portugal)
- Margaret (proteacher)Texas
- D. Oliver (Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.)
- Ehsan Amini (Tehran, Iran)
- Nina Lyulkun (Khmelnitskiy, Ukraine)
- Sheryl Sherwin (Washington DC)
- Monica (Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
- Vera Bobkova (Siberia, Russia, currently Grinnell College, IA, USA)
- Perry Christensen (Laie, Hawaii)
- Cheryl Oakes
- Sharon Betts
- Ana Rivas (Lima, Peru)
- Ester La Torre (Italy)
Penny Lundquist
- to learn how to use a wiki to work on projects with my colleagues
- to figure out how I might incorporate distance learning into the Teaching Excellence Center program
- to learn how to incorporate wikis and blogs into the teachingexcellencenetwork.org site
Nina Liakos (Maryland, USA)
- to increase my comfort zone with a variety of e-tools and e-toys - not achieved to my satisfaction! There is still much to do
- to explore those tools I didn't have time to explore last year, in particular podcasts and wikis - Podcasts no; wikis, yes!
- to lend a helping hand to the "newbies", as people did to me last year - I think I did this!
- to become familiar with wikis. I'd like to use a wiki for my class at the University of Maryland - yes. I have been using 2 wikis for my class: http://005spr2007.pbwiki.com and http://005readingspr2007.pbwiki.com. One is a repository for general information for the class, and the second is an interactive site where students respond to questions about the books they are reading. I also got some intense wiki practice while doing the threads for Week 4. But there's still a lot to learn: I've been working mainly with text--no bells or whistles yet!
- to make new friends around the world! - achieved, definitely! Let's stay in touch!
Daf (Caracas, Venezuela)
- to help participants to achieve their goals
- to learn with and from participants
- to get new friends from all over the world
Two of my wikis:
Teresa (Lisbon, Portugal)
- to give our moderators and co-moderators the chance for additional or first-time experience at e-moderation
- to give participants "wings to fly" in this wonderful online world
- to keep learning: it's a lifelong process!
- to make new friends in all corners of the world!
A course wiki with Daf
- TESOL's PP104 co-taught in Sep. 2006. Our first use of a wiki as the course Website
My two student blogs
Margaret (proteacher)Texas
My goals are:
1. Learn to use Wiki's so I can incorporate them into my classes.
2. Learn to use the blogs
3. Learn to use SKYPE
4. Most Importantly make new friends around the world.
D. Oliver (Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.)
- to expand my network of friends and colleagues
- to explore new e-tools and gain practice in using them
- to expand my skill level with e-tools I have used or currently use
- to do my part in making our time together truly collaborative
- to add to what I have already learned about CMC
- to help others whenever I can
Ehsan Amini (Tehran, Iran)
Primary Goals
- Exploring the wonderful new possibilities that the Internet offers for teaching by:
- Learning how to create, edit, and develop WIKI pages
- Learning to work with weblogs, Yahoo groups, Chat, Voice & Video Conferencing, etc.
- Learning about e-tools such as Tapped In, Web Tools, etc.
- Getting ideas to use on my own website Tehran English
More Primary Goals -- couldn't really call them secondary :)
- developing new friendships with all the wonderful & nice people out there
- sharing in the experience, being a part of it, contributing as much as I can however small
Nina Lyulkun (Khmelnitskiy, Ukraine)
- to improve my knowledge in
- using different web tools for teaching and learning EFL,
- interacting through voice chat, voice e-mail,
- creating web pages and blogs as well as using wiki for TESOL-Ukraine association and my classes of course,
- and definitely to make friends around the world to collaborate in the future... and many more...
Sheryl Sherwin (Washington DC)
*to be a little more adventurous in learning about what's on the Web
*to learn about blogs in a way that I can use with my students in class
*to learn a little more about synchronous chatting
*to learn about contributing to wikis
Monica (Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
- to learn more about blogs and wikis, and how they can be used in my EFL classes;
- to explore ways in which they can be used in collaborative projects;
- to share my (limited) experience with other participants and discuss how they have been using technology with their groups;
- meet people from all around the world, make new friends... and have fun! :)
Vera Bobkova (Siberia, Russia, currently Grinnell College, IA, USA)
- to become a better teacher by
- reading all the suggested and recommended articles
- being active in a group
- becoming familiar with all the tools we use during the session
- creating my collection of useful sites I can use in my future teaching life and sharing the sites I know with my classmates
- impress my college IT consultant :) (but this is minor)
Perry Christensen (Laie, Hawaii)
- practice, practice, practice
- share what I learn with others
- use what I learn in my teaching
Cheryl Oakes
- to learn how to use a wiki with my eyes closed
- to give back to this wonderful community
- to make contacts with people from around the planet and make connections for my students
Sharon Betts
- to expand my network of educators and glean from their knowledge
- to share what I have to share
- ultimately, to achieve more skills to assist me in teaching teachers with the newest tools
Ana Rivas (Lima, Peru)
- to learn all about e-tools & e-toys
- to produce better & up-dated classes
- to be part of this wonderful commnunity
Ester La Torre (Italy)
- to learn how to use a wiki and some important tools
- to improve my technological skills
- to be an active part of this CoP, learning and sharing what I know
- to try many of the wonderful tools proposed applying them in my teaching
Personal Goals for BAW07
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